

Up until a few short years ago, I would make New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions that sounded great on paper, such as workout every morning, cut-out sugar, stop procrastinating etc.

They would last a week, maybe ten days if I was lucky. Until I lost interest and fell back into old patterns and habits.

Sure resolutions can help some people on their journey to create a better life. But for most of us, they are just too flimsy to hold our attention. There is no weight behind them… nothing to keep us going. I could come up with ten resolutions right now that will sound great. But without any real thought going into them… any real feeling… those resolutions won’t stand a chance when old behaviours, patterns of thinking and stubborn habits come knocking on the door.

Below I share four ways to upgrade from the usual lack-lustre resolutions to something a lot more powerful…

1. Evaluating What Did And Didn’t Work

It’s easy to fall into mindless actions, especially mid-year when reminders to review (like this blog) are everywhere. But what happens when we don’t regularly evaluate, is we can continue to do ‘things’ that aren’t producing the results we want. And that leads to time and energy that could have been spent more productively.

Now is the time to take an honest evaluation of your life and business and determine if your actions, thoughts, beliefs and habits are helping you achieve the success you desire. And if they aren’t, get clear on exactly what you’re going to change in the New Year. If they are leading to the results you want, what are you going to add-on or improve to get even better results?

2. Deciding What You Won’t Tolerate Anymore 
Boy humans tend to put up with a lot of crap. Crap from other people and crap from ourselves. Now is the time to determine what you will and will not tolerate anymore. You set the standard. And you can be as lenient or firm as you choose. I prefer the firmer side. Take a pen and piece of paper, and declare what you are no longer willing to tolerate. Get as clear and specific as you can and mean it!

3. Deciding What You Will Commit To

A lot can switch in your life when you commit. And I mean really commit. A commitment that includes your body, mind and soul. But before a commitment can be set in stone, there has to be passion behind it. There has to be a strong driving force to keep you going when the initial motivation wanes. And that leads me into number four… getting clear on what you want to feel…

4. Get Clear On What You Want To Feel

Humans are driven by the need to ‘feel better’. Think about it… we’re always chasing that ‘thing’ because we think it will make us feel a certain way when we get it. And that certain way is always better than what we are feeling at the moment. The money, the partner, the business deal, the car, the fancy meal, the slimmer body. We want it because we think having it will make us feel better.

But what about simply getting crystal clear about what you want to feel, and determining how you can feel those things without giving your power away to external forces?

What if you could get clear on what you want to feel and develop an action plan to feel like that without needing to first acquire the slimmer body, the new car, the business deal etc? I predict that would not only give YOU back your power, but it would also help you to manifest the body, the car, the money much quicker.

Sounds simple… Simple but not necessarily easy.

First, you must understand what you want to feel. And that requires some self-reflection and self-discovery. So if your up for it, grab a pen and a journal and ask yourself (in writing)…

“What do I want to feel in 2018?” then without judgment, let the ideas flow.

Lots of love,


PS. If you know you need support to start the year off right, check out below the two special offers I created for you…

Offer #1: Right now you can save $50 off a single 45-minute private coaching session by clicking ==> HERE and using coupon code newyear2018. You will be contacted within 48 business hours (through the email you sign up with) to book your session.

Offer #2: I’ve turned one of my most popular programs Massive Momentum 2.0 into a self-study course. This is the perfect course to start your year off right. Create an unstoppable momentum towards your goals with this seven module program. Enroll today and save $80. Learn more about the program here ==>

Jan. 2 at Midnight, these offers disappear. Don’t delay.