If you have been feeling exhausted in every aspect of your life, you might be dealing with burnout. Though burnout is not a medical diagnosis, it is the result of real feelings and physical symptoms of stress. Often, we suffer from burnout without even realizing that we are dealing with it.
But burnout does not have to rule your life, and you can overcome the feelings associated with it. In this article, we will give you our best tips to deal with burnout. We understand that you cannot always avoid the circumstances that cause your burnout, but with the right mindset and these tips, we think you can effectively work through burnout.
What Is Burnout?
You may have been hearing a lot of talk about burnout, so it is natural that you might have some questions about what burnout really is. Though your doctor cannot give you a medical diagnosis of burnout, they may be able to suggest that some of your ailments could be related to burnout.
So, what is burnout anyways? Burnout is a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. It goes far beyond just being sleepy and a good night’s rest likely will not do much good for helping you beat it. It is a true sense of exhaustion and in some cases can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression.
What Can I Do to Beat Burnout?
Beating burnout seems daunting, especially when it makes you feel exhausted in every way possible. But without addressing your burnout, you could end up suffering from increased negative symptoms, both physical and emotional. But what can you really do about it? See our tips below to help you learn how to bounce back from burnout.
- Figure out the cause – the most important thing you need to do to beat burnout is to have a clear understanding of what is causing your feelings of burnout. Often people find that their jobs are a major contributor to the stressors that cause burnout. Other factors can also play a role in burnout too. Family situations such as childcare or care of an ill or disabled family member or even stressful relationships can all play a part.
Sometimes burnout can even be caused by a combination of work and at-home stressors. Either way, it is important to understand where your burnout is originating from to address it. Try making a list of the things that make you feel stressed out or leave you feeling emotionally drained. This should help you to pinpoint what is causing your burnout. - Decrease your exposure – once you understand what is causing you to feel burnt-out and exhausted, it is time to take steps to reduce the impact of the stressor. Burnout can be tricky, as often there is no substantial action that you can take to remove yourself from the stressor. It is not always possible to change your job and family commitments often cannot be avoided. But it is important to reduce the impact that these stressors have on your life.
If it is possible, removing yourself entirely from your stressful situation might be a good option. But if that is not realistic, consider other options. If your workload at home is too much, ask for more help. Find ways to delegate household tasks and accept help from those who offer it. If work is your main stressor let your boss know what is going on. Check out our previous article “How to Tell Your Boss You Are Overwhelmed” for tips on navigating your relationship with your boss. - Increase positive experiences – when you cannot make drastic changes towards reducing the impact of your stressors, it is important to find other ways to cope. Try to bring positive things that lift you up and reduce your stress in your life. For some people, this can mean taking up a new hobby, while others find that having more downtime is the best way to reduce stress.
Take time to think about what makes you happy and take note of the things that make you feel good. You cannot always control your situation at work or at home, but you can do things to help you feel happy and reduce the impact of your stressors. Try meditation, taking a walk, or even sending some time talking with a friend to help clear your mind and find your “thing.” - Lean into your support networks – your support networks are key in helping you to overcome burnout. From your colleagues to your friends and family members having people on your team can go a long way to helping release your burnout and allow you to move past it. Friends and family can be an ally in helping you find perspective and in reducing your load. A great boss can also help you to find balance and keep stress levels manageable.
Sometimes you might find that your family, friends, or boss are not great supporters and instead add more stress to your life. In these cases, it is a good idea to reach out to a qualified professional such as a life coach or counsellor. Sometimes outside perspective can go a long way into helping see through where you are stuck and guide you in making the situation better.
Know It Is Not Your Fault
Though not normal, burnout is common, and it is not your fault that you are feeling stressed to your limits. There is no need to feel shame or embarrassment for being burnout from your day to day life. If you are suffering from burnout, there is likely a good reason for it. Do not let fear hold you back from moving past burnout and living a successful life.
Always remember that you need to be a priority in your own life. You cannot give everything you have to others and expect to still feel good. Though you may feel pressure from all around, putting yourself first will be your first line of defence against burnout. You will always bring your best self to the table when you take care of yourself first.