There are countless reasons why someone may want to quit their job. Though we often tend to believe that quitting a job is something negative. Especially when our job is considered by those around us to be desired or thought of as being an indicator of success. Sometimes quitting a job means we are leaving an unhappy situation, but it should not be forgotten that leaving a job can also be an indication of great personal success and growth.

We know that quitting your job can be both exciting and scary. You might even be unsure about when to quit your job or what to say when you do. In this article, we will give you our best tips to know when you should quit your job and provide some tips on how to tell your boss you are leaving.

Need some support in making big life and career changes? Consider reaching out to a life coach such as Lisa Jeff’s Toronto life coach. The right coach can help you find clarity in making great decisions and finding the confidence to live as your most authentic self.

Top Reasons to Quit Your Job

Knowing when to quit your job can be a tough call. Only you can know when you should make moves and leave your current workplace. Below are some of our tops signs that it might be time to move on and make real change.

You’ve Landed Your Dream Job – this reason may seem like a no-brainer, of course, you should quit your job if you have landed your dream one! Though this seems like an easy decision, many people have fear and doubt their worthiness when leaving a secure job and moving on to something new. Know that you deserve your success and happily say goodbye!

Your Job is Wearing You Down – this sign can be complicated as there are often many factors at play when you are in a job that you do not like. Sometimes your commute may be the culprit, while other times the demands of the job are simply too much. Trust that you know yourself best and believe you can find work that makes you happy and fulfilled.

You Don’t Feel Safe in Your Workplace – if you do not feel safe in your workplace for any reason, it is time to move on. You deserve to feel safe and valued in your workplace. If you have already spoken to your boss about your concerns and nothing has changed, it is likely time to leave.

You Need to Feel Fulfilled – are you working in a safe and secure job that pays the bills but crave more? Do not discount the feeling of needing to be fulfilled. Though success and fulfilment in life do not necessarily need to come from your job, you deserve to feel that you are doing meaningful and worthwhile work. Consider reading our previous article “How Do People Define Success” for guidance in finding success and fulfilment in your life.

You Want Change – there is nothing wrong with simply wanting to change things up and try something new. There is no need to second guess this decision. In fact, you may find that making changes keeps you feeling fulfilled and propels your drive to succeed.


When Should I Not Quit?

When You are Mad – as with most life decisions, if you are angry you should take a breather and calm down a bit before making a decision. This is very important with decisions that can be life-changing such as quitting a job. We know that your feelings are valid but allow yourself to cool off before making a decision that you might end up regretting.

When You Love Your Job – sometimes you love your job but feel the need to leave due to not feeling challenged, not being paid for your value, or life circumstances that feel out of your control. In these cases, it may be beneficial to talk to your boss. If your desire to leave comes from feeling overwhelmed see our previous article “How to Tell Your Boss You Are Overwhelmed.” Your boss may be able to work with you to keep you in a job you love.

When You are Running Away from a Problem – do not allow someone else’s behaviour or a problematic boss drive you away from a job you want to be in. Always address any workplace problems with your boss, their supervisor or even HR. If you are not finding support, you may be right in thinking it is time to leave. You should not have to put up with an unsafe or discriminatory workplace environment but it may be beneficial to try to address the issues before uprooting yourself and quitting your job.

What to Say When it is Time to Quit

If you have made your decision and know that now is the time to move on and quit your job you have now got some work to do. Knowing what to say when quitting your job can be challenging. You certainly do not want to say something that will offend your employer or burn any bridges.

 If you have a more personal relationship with your employer, it may be appropriate to have a conversation with your boss about why you are leaving. In most cases, a good employer will be happy for you and supportive of your desire to move on. But not all employers will feel this way. Consider keeping your resignation letter simple and to the point, you do not owe an explanation to anyone. If asked at an exit interview, go into detail with HR about any concerns you had or feedback you can provide to your employer.

Believe in Yourself

Quitting your job can be stressful and may have you feeling anxious. When it comes to making decisions about your career and your future, the most important thing to remember is that you already know how to make great decisions. Trust your instincts and believe in yourself and you are certain to make the right choice.