Do you struggle with setting goals? Whether it be in your career or personal life, setting goals can sometimes feel overwhelming. Though many people feel that they can set goals easily, they may not always set achievable and realistic goals and in turn, struggle to achieve them. Though setting achievable goals may take some practice, the benefits of setting goals and conquering them can have monumental impacts on your confidence and in turn, your success.

In this post, we will outline why you should set goals in order to take control of your success. We will give you our best tips on goal setting to help you set goals that truly empower you and help you understand why goal setting is important. If you feel you could use support in setting goals or finding clarity in what you should be working towards, consider reaching out to a certified life coach, like Lisa Jeffs. A life coach can help you push past your excuses to achieve your goals while living a successful life.

Why Should You Set Goals?

Setting goals is important. When you set goals, you give yourself a focus and allow yourself to build a vision of what you wish to achieve. Without setting specific goals you may find yourself feeling unsure of how to move towards your vision of success or may have many large goals that feel too overwhelming to achieve.

When you set realistic and achievable goals you not only do you give yourself the opportunity to celebrate your own success, but you also ensure you are always taking action towards your goals. In our previous article, “How to Set Goals & Achieve Them” we addressed the concept of SMART goals and why setting these goals is important. You should always evaluate your goals using the SMART system to help you set goals that you can achieve.

What Does SMART Goals Stand For?

Setting SMART goals just makes sense. Always ensure that your goals follow this template to maximize your ability to set powerful goals and achieve them. Smart goals stand for: 

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

What Type of Goals Should You Set?

As the framework for SMART goals suggests you should set goals that are specific. When you sit down to plan your goals be mindful of what you are looking to achieve. It is a good idea to have big goals and goals that will take longer amounts of time to achieve. But you need to consider breaking your big goal down into more manageable goals along the way. If your goals are related to income and you have a yearly gross income number in mind don’t set your goal as that number alone. Instead, break it down into specific quarterly, monthly or even bi-weekly goals that you can achieve while still always working towards your larger goals.

Setting goals that are achievable is critically important to boosting your success as it gives you confidence and allows you to celebrate the smaller successes that you achieve on a regular basis. The category of goal you set does not matter. From being able to run a 5K to meeting a commission target at work, you can apply this strategy to any goal. Always set your goals in a manner that allows you to celebrate your success along the way.

What Type of Goals Should You Avoid?

Sometimes we have dreams or goals that we may not have full control over. For example, you may want to win the lottery, but it is likely an unhealthy goal to buy as many lottery tickets as possible in order to reach your goal. No matter how many tickets you buy, your goal may very well be unachievable as the result is entirely out of your control. You should never set goals that you do not have the power to control the outcome of.

You may have a specific promotion or job in mind as our goals. Though it is a good idea to have specific goals, when you cannot control the outcome you may set yourself up for failure from the start. Sometimes for no fault of your own, you will not get that promotion, or your dream workplace will not hire you. Instead of setting goals that depend on others, frame the goal in a manner that leaves you in control. If your goal is to achieve a certain role in your company set goals centred around boosting your performance as an employee or set goals to qualify for additional training. These goals may assist you in achieving your end goal but will also leave you with positives if the goal does work out as you had hoped.


How Often Should You Check in On Your Goals

Always remember to check in on your goals frequently. This may mean daily, weekly or monthly depending on your goal, but you should be constantly monitoring your progression towards your goals. If you see that you are not quite on track to hit your goal or are about to blow past it, consider adjusting.

You are allowed to cancel a goal if it no longer feels authentic or in line with who you are. Always remember that part of checking in with your goals is ensuring that you still feel aligned with them. There is no shame in moving in a different direction if it no longer suits you. In fact, always staying in sync with your goals will help you to achieve your goals and live your most successful life.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Setting goals sounds easy but is actually something that takes focus and effort. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your goals and don’t know how to move forward, consider asking for help. Lean into your support network and ask for help with setting your goals. Sometimes asking for help with your goals can aid you in finding clarity and allowing you to rein in your goals and start achieving.

If you feel that you could use some extra help with your goals, consider reaching out to a life coach or business coach. They have the tools and experience to help you make goals that will amplify your success and boost your confidence. 

PS. Check out this innovative web-based goal-setting software for high achievers…
Track goals, tasks, progress & time
Keep Your Goals On Track