If you have ever done a seasonal detox you know how amazing it can be for the health of your body and mind. You feel lighter, your skin glows, your breath is fresher and your mind is clear and sharp. However you don’t have to wait to for a new season to start to detox. Ayurvedic practices for detoxing and wellness can help you prolong the effects of your seasonal detox and be done daily.
If you have never heard of Ayurveda, here is the 411: Ayurveda translates to ‘knowledge of life’ or ‘science of life’. Ayurveda is to India what Traditional Chinese Medicine is to China. Ayurveda is about living in communion with the shifts of the seasons and the rhythms of the sun and moon throughout the day. It is an ancient practice that both supports wellness and recovers health. The principles are universal and can be practiced by anyone with a desire to feel more connected to their health and wellbeing.
If you have done a seasonal detox, you’ve already begun to practice one of the Ayurvedic principles, so adding these 3 simple daily practices will increase your body’s ability to withstand the stress of daily life and the toxins that bombard us daily.
These 3 practices are super simple and have a great benefit on our overall wellbeing. Do them sequentially everyday for 28 days. Before you know it they will become a habit. And we all love those healthy habits ;).
Banish Bad Breath – Upon rising, eliminate, brush your teeth and scrape your tongue. Did you know that you will remove more sticky plaque from your mouth with a metal tongue scraper than you will by brushing your teeth? Here’s a simple video to show you how it’s done. Do this before you put anything into your belly.
Rinse Your Belly – A clean digestive system works so much more efficiently and uses less energy that a clogged up, gummy one. To keep your system clean and start with a clean stomach, drink 500ml – 1 litre of warm water first thing. This has three primary effects for your body.
- Number One – Okay, actually it’s about ‘number two’. It is especially helpful to promote movement and train the body so that will eliminate through the bowel more easily. Do you have to add lemon? No. Will it hurt to add lemon? No. Just make the water body temperature and you will get the greatest benefit.
- Number Two – Clean pure, warm, body temperature water first thing in the morning will help to clear out any leftovers in the stomach.This way yesterday’s food that may not have fully digested will not mix with today’s undigested food, kind of like getting a new plate for your breakfast instead of using the dirty one from last night’s dinner.
- Number Three – It hydrates you! Your body wakes up dehydrated. It’s been starved for water for at least 8 hours. Because optimally, your body is about 70% water when you start your day with all your internal electrical systems flowing, you will think better. Which means you will make better food choices. Better food choices now mean that your next seasonal detox will release a little more deeply.
Oil Up – The daily practice of Abhyanga is a hot oil self-massage. This one practice will nourish your skin and body on a level that is superior to any other skin treatment. Remember, you skin is your largest organ. Once you start the habit, you’ll find it doesn’t take long to add it to you daily morning routine.
How to Abhyanga 101
- Warm your oil to body temperature.
- Pour a small amount into your hand and add oil as you need it.
- Massage into hands. Then begin with the neck, working your way down towards your feet, because this is a grounding massage. Long strokes on the bones and circular strokes on the joints. Until you reach the feet.
- When done, get into a hot shower and let the hot water rinse over you. The hot water will open your pores and press the oil into the skin. This is not only nourishing but protective. If you want to use soap, use it only under your arms and private regions. There is enough chlorine and other detergents in the water to ‘clean’ you.
- Dry off as you normally would.
These are so simple, easy, and actually elegant ways of taking care of your body that will promote daily detox in a toxic world.
If you found these tips helpful share and comment below :).
Until next time,
Many blessings,