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2403, 2019

How to Deal with Failure

By |March 24th, 2019|Categories: Failure|Comments Off on How to Deal with Failure

Failure is a fact of life. Although often perceived as a bad thing, failure is a necessary part of building success. We simply cannot move forward and grown into more knowledge and successful people without first experiencing some form of failure. We have all experienced failure in one form or another through our lives. Although it is easy to use the analogy of falling and getting back up on your feet again, dealing with failure is not always so simple.

303, 2019

How to be taken seriously as a young entrepreneur

By |March 3rd, 2019|Categories: Entrepreneur Help|Comments Off on How to be taken seriously as a young entrepreneur

When starting out in business as a young entrepreneur you may feel at times that you are struggling to be taken seriously. Whether this is due to age, appearance, or lack of experience not being taken seriously can be a difficult obstacle to overcome. Although it is unfair to judge a person's abilities on based on their age alone, it is unfortunately a reality that many young entrepreneurs face. Thankfully there are some steps you can take to help you show clients, investors, and other industry partners that you are more than capable. In this article we will discuss ways that you can take action to ensure that the people you interact with know that you mean business. Although you cannot avoid the reality that people will judge you, you can take control over how you choose to present yourself to the world. Age does not have to be a defining factor in your success.

2702, 2019

What does it take to be an entrepreneur?

By |February 27th, 2019|Categories: Entrepreneur Help|Comments Off on What does it take to be an entrepreneur?

From education to charisma, everyone has a different opinion on what it takes to be an entrepreneur. If you have ever considered becoming an entrepreneur you have likely asked yourself “Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?”. Although many entrepreneurs share common traits there are no set in stone requirements needed to become onE. That being said, there are skills you may want to develop within yourself to help you become the best entrepreneur you can be.

202, 2019

What Are The Qualities of an Entrepreneur?

By |February 2nd, 2019|Categories: Entrepreneur Help|Comments Off on What Are The Qualities of an Entrepreneur?

In theory, anyone can be an entrepreneur. By taking control of your dreams and opening your own business you are by definition an entrepreneur. It sounds easy, but a lot of time, work and dedication goes into the realization of running your own business. If you are facing a roadblock in your entrepreneurial journey, or if you are just getting started you may be wondering, how do I become a successful entrepreneur?

202, 2019

How To Become An Entrepreneur

By |February 2nd, 2019|Categories: Entrepreneur Help|Comments Off on How To Become An Entrepreneur

Becoming an entrepreneur sounds simple right? You start a business and “boom” you’re an entrepreneur. But for many people getting started is one of the most difficult challenges in becoming an entrepreneur. If you are wanting to change your current situation and start your own business you have a lot of questions to ask yourself before you get started. But what do you really need to know before becoming an entrepreneur?

1101, 2019

How To Move Through Fear

By |January 11th, 2019|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on How To Move Through Fear

501, 2019

How Do People Define Success

By |January 5th, 2019|Categories: Confidence-Coaching|Comments Off on How Do People Define Success

How do you define success? How do the people around you define success? And why does our definition of success matter? In our previous article “How to Have a Successful Life” we touched on the subject of how to define success focusing on financial and relationship success. Although there are many ways in which we can define success not any one person will define success the same way. It is important to have a clear vision of what success means to you as without a plan for success you could become lost without direction. This article will address, how do people define success, and will help you develop a clear picture of what success means to you.

2612, 2018

How to Have a Successful Life

By |December 26th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Confidence-Coaching, Life Coaching|Comments Off on How to Have a Successful Life

Success looks different to everyone, but most of us strive to be successful in our personal lives and careers. We are often looking for the next opportunity or promotion to propel us into being what we define as successful. But what does it really mean to be successful and live a successful life? For some it may mean financial wealth, while others find success in time with family or having positive relationships. In order to have a successful life we must first consider what success means to us an individual. This article will look at ways you can determine what success means to you and help you identify exactly how you can live a successful life. Check out our tips on how successful people think to help you get started with your success goals.

212, 2018

How Successful People Think

By |December 2nd, 2018|Categories: Entrepreneur Help|Comments Off on How Successful People Think

Thoughts are powerful. It’s no secret that many successful people share similarities in their thought patterns. They hold values, and act in ways that help them to be successful and keep them on track. There are even books written on the this topic to help you learn about the ways that successful people think and help guide you towards thinking like a successful person. If you are looking to become more successful you may find yourself wondering how successful people think. This article will explore the key ways that successful people think and give you tips on how to apply this to your own life and personal success in your career or business.

212, 2018

How To Become A Better Decision Maker

By |December 2nd, 2018|Categories: Confidence-Coaching|Comments Off on How To Become A Better Decision Maker

There is no part of our lives that isn’t touched by decision making. Whether the decisions is as simple as choosing what you want to have for dinner or whether or not you should take a risk in business, like leaving a your career to begin a new entrepreneurial opportunity. Many people struggle with decision making. They either find they simply cannot make a decision, or they may instead feel regret for making the wrong decision too quickly.