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Confidence coaching for success and fulfilment in life and at work. As a specialist confidence coach and human behaviour expert, I will help you look at.

1005, 2024

PODCAST: Overcoming Guilt and Embracing Your Worth by Saying No

By |May 10th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Business Coaching, Confidence-Coaching, Entrepreneur Help, How To Increase Self Esteem, How To Overcome Self-Sabotage, How To Overcome Stress, How To Overcome Stress, Overcoming Overwhelm|Comments Off on PODCAST: Overcoming Guilt and Embracing Your Worth by Saying No


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Speaker 1: 

Imagine feeling so guilty for saying no and potentially disappointing someone, even though you’ve already done so much. You’ve been so busy, working so hard, yet you still feel the guilt. We’re going to be diving into this pattern on today’s show. […]

1202, 2024

PODCAST: Is Pleasure Your Key To A Business Breakthrough?

By |February 12th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Business Coaching, Confidence-Coaching, Entrepreneur Help, How To Increase Self Esteem, How To Overcome Self-Sabotage, How To Overcome Stress, Life Coaching, Overcoming Overwhelm|Comments Off on PODCAST: Is Pleasure Your Key To A Business Breakthrough?



Speaker 1: 

Imagine igniting more pleasure and fun into your work week and gaining a massive benefit from this, including more money, better relationships and a more vibrant radiant energy that magnetizes opportunities to you. Stay with us. We’re diving […]

710, 2023

Your Inner Saboteur And The Pain of Ignoring Its Messages

By |October 7th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Blog, Business Coaching, Confidence-Coaching, Entrepreneur Help, How To Overcome Self-Sabotage, Spiritual Coaching|Comments Off on Your Inner Saboteur And The Pain of Ignoring Its Messages

Yet, as days turned into years, she remained rooted in the same spot. The dreams […]

Sarah was a powerful woman with big dreams. She imagined herself conquering her goals. She had plans of launching her own business or writing a bestselling novel.

Yet, as days turned into years, she remained rooted in the same spot. The dreams […]

2705, 2023

9 Ways To Trust Yourself in an Uncertain World

By |May 27th, 2023|Categories: Business Coaching, Confidence-Coaching, Entrepreneur Help, How To Overcome Self-Sabotage, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching|Comments Off on 9 Ways To Trust Yourself in an Uncertain World

Our world is ever-changing and uncertainty is the new norm. But instead of fearing it, embrace it as an opportunity for personal growth and success. Trust is the key to confidently navigating uncertainty, and trusting yourself is crucial for taking risks and diving into the unknown. […]

2803, 2023

The Easier Way To Have More Confidence

By |March 28th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Business Coaching, Confidence-Coaching, Entrepreneur Help, How To Increase Self Esteem, How To Overcome Self-Sabotage, Life Coaching|Comments Off on The Easier Way To Have More Confidence

Hey, let’s chat about confidence for a minute. It’s one of the most common issues I help people with, but I want to offer a different perspective on it and share an easier way to have more confidence. 

Instead of feeling like you have to create more confidence from […]

403, 2023

THE TOP 3 DREAM KILLERS – And How To Avoid Them

By |March 4th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Business Coaching, Confidence-Coaching, Entrepreneur Help, Failure, How To Increase Self Esteem, How To Overcome Self-Sabotage, Life Coaching|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on THE TOP 3 DREAM KILLERS – And How To Avoid Them

I’ve been coaching business owners for almost a decade, and I’ve heard a lot of sabotaging patterns “dream killers”. Like Tina who came to me after 1.5 years of trying to figure out her niche. Within less than an hour of us talking I was able to […]

301, 2023

4 Powerful Tips To Finding Mentorship

By |January 3rd, 2023|Categories: Blog, Business Coaching, Confidence-Coaching, Entrepreneur Help|Comments Off on 4 Powerful Tips To Finding Mentorship

Warren Buffett mentored Bill Gates, Christian Dior mentored Yves Saint-Laurent, and Maya Angelou mentored Oprah Winfrey. Having a mentor can be beneficial to your career in many ways. According to Forbes, 76 percent of people value mentorship programs. Find out what […]

201, 2023

4 Ways To Overcome Imposter Syndrome for Female Entrepreneurs

By |January 2nd, 2023|Categories: Blog, Business Coaching, Confidence-Coaching, Entrepreneur Help, How To Increase Self Esteem, How To Overcome Self-Sabotage|Comments Off on 4 Ways To Overcome Imposter Syndrome for Female Entrepreneurs

Imposter syndrome, the feeling that you’re unqualified to hold a particular position or responsibility, can act as a serious barrier between women with a lot of entrepreneurial spirit and achieving their potential. In fact, a 2019 report by Natwest showed that “nearly two-thirds (60%) of women have […]

111, 2022

How to Have Fun and Make Money in Your Business

By |November 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog, Business Coaching, Confidence-Coaching, Entrepreneur Help|Comments Off on How to Have Fun and Make Money in Your Business

The conventional wisdom is that if you want to be successful in business, you have to sacrifice fun. That may be true for some people, but it doesn’t have to be true for you!

In fact, the more fun you have in your business, the […]

2609, 2022

The Top 3 Shadow Archetypes That Might Be Sabotaging Your Success

By |September 26th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Business Coaching, Confidence-Coaching, Entrepreneur Help, How To Overcome Self-Sabotage, Spiritual Coaching|Comments Off on The Top 3 Shadow Archetypes That Might Be Sabotaging Your Success

It’s a rainy day here in Toronto. It’s Sunday and I’ve been doing some deep rest

and restoration today.

Something about rainy days that just bring on that desire to cocoon and rest, am I right?

I’ve been thinking […]