Speaker 1Host00:00
Burnout will lower the quality of your life drastically. We live in a world where we celebrate war-callism, but we also acknowledge that burnout is a huge problem. Things have to change.
Speaker 2Host00:18
You’re tuning into the Confident, Connected Leader podcast, your premier destination for breaking through your current professional barriers. Your coach and host, Lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend limitations and achieve new levels of professional success beyond self-doubt, sabotage and burnout. Welcome to the show.
Speaker 1Host00:42
Welcome to the Confident Connected Leader podcast. I am your host, lisa Jeffs, and today we are talking about burnout. So I just looked up a study because I was interested in some statistics, and there was a study done in 2022 by Mental Health America. The survey showed 75% of the people stated that they’re experiencing burnout. That could be even higher, but do we really need a survey to tell us that there’s an epidemic of burnout in North America, for one, especially North America? I don’t think so.
Burnout is something that is really important to acknowledge that it’s not just a surface level issue. When I’m working with a client who has come to me and often they don’t come to me for burnout they’re coming to me because they want a certain result in something and they’re not getting it, whether that is a result that they know that they need to have a more confidence around, or they are sabotaging or whatever the case. A lot of times, however, burnout is present. So we have to understand that working to heal and move beyond burnout takes a holistic approach. It’s not a kind of one and done deal, but let’s go, let’s backtrack a little bit, because we’re not gonna go into everything that it takes to move beyond burnout in this. I really want you to understand why you’re experiencing. If you are experiencing burnout, where is it coming from? What is the root of it? Because until we really understand the root, a lot of times we’re just putting on band-aids and those band-aids, let me tell you, they get wet really quick and then they fall off and we’re left with the same thing. So this takes me to my experience, especially in the world of entrepreneurship maybe about seven, eight years ago, something like that, maybe not even that long ago where the hustle culture was out of control, like, I literally mean, it was out of control. It was absolutely absurd.
You know, when Adriana Huffington started talking about the importance of sleep, I remember that that was ooh. I think that was about I’m not sure exactly, but it was around 2017, 2018, I believe Really maybe 2016, where she was really started to talk about the importance of sleep. Because I remember when I was first growing my online business, there was a number of leaders talking about you know, if you sleep, basically you want sleep. You’re sleeping more than two hours a day. You don’t want to bad enough. You know you better eat, sleep. And you know, even when you’re in the washroom, the bathroom. You better be working. It was absurd, promoting pretty much no sleep.
And I remember one particular leader who had a very big influence, who would really use shame to shame people, and I could see that it was traveling to people in the community because they would start speaking the same thing and basically shaming others for choosing to sleep or choosing to prioritize wellbeing, or choosing to prioritize things other than hustling. Now the interesting thing that happened was this particular leader ended up in the hospital. I don’t know why. I don’t know if it had anything to do with the work she was doing, I don’t know, but I do know that the story around the hustle, the same message, changed and those were the times where we were really starting to see that, starting to bring in a new belief system around hustle.
Now, mind you, it’s not gone. There are still waves of groups and waves of people, waves of people who promote productivity. The more you can do, the more you are worth, the more you can work, the more valuable you are and the more you are deserving of XYZ reward. Whatever that is, whether that is a position, whether that is more money, more sales, whatever the case, it’s complete ballucks and it’s driving people into not only poor health but a poor quality of life.
And for my own journey with burnout came really when I was quite young, and I wouldn’t necessarily say it was burnout, because at that age I did have to be honest, I had a lot of energy. I was 25 when I had someone say to me that I was old and uneducated at 25. I just had my daughter and I was raising her, spending those first couple years with her, and that comment was it was by someone that I respected and it really just was a seed that got planted in my brain that I was old and uneducated, which now, looking back on it is absolutely absurd, but it created this fire in me where I just didn’t stop for years.
You know, I got myself into college. I then followed with university. I was then in university, I was working, I was raising my daughter, I was training for marathons. I don’t even know how I had the energy to do half of this when I look back on it, you know I remember waking up at about 4.15 so I could train for the marathon, then driving to work, coming back like it was complete madness. I was getting very little sleep Now because of my age. At that time, you know I could go, but it wasn’t sustainable and it was, I think, about around those times 2016, 2000, where I had periods where it just felt like I was crashing. I don’t know if my adrenal glands were shot, but there was just very limited amount of energy to do anything or drive in my business.
And this is what burnout can do. It severely affects the quality of life and at the core of burnout is some type of belief or a multitude of beliefs. These beliefs are limiting. These beliefs are not based in truth, but they will implant themselves and create this storm of prioritizing everyone else above you. It will create a belief that you have to work really, really, really hard to deserve what you have. It will create a. These beliefs can be rooted in feeling like you have to always prove yourself, so you’re just constantly doing stuff to prove yourself. It can be rooted in a belief that you don’t trust. You’re not trusting in the universe, you’re not trusting that you are supported, divinely supported, that it’s all on you to make it happen. You have to make it happen, you have to figure it out, you have to go, go, go. And you know not to gender this, but I know for myself, being a woman who is now in her mid-40s. I’m not interested in sacrificing sleep. I’m not interested in prioritizing everyone needs above my own. I’m not interested in going, going, going and living the hard life anymore. I did that for years and years and years and I’m done with it. And you don’t have to be in your mid-40s to be done with it. You can be done with it right now. Doesn’t matter what age you are, because we’re not meant to be doing machines, we’re meant to be human beings. I love how we got just all twisted up in that, especially in North America, we are valued for productivity and it’s absolutely absurd.
So, going into the whole reason for this podcast is how to be a confident, connected leader, meaning connected as in, connected to yourself, connected to your intuition. You have to be connected to your body to be connected to your intuition. We cannot be connected to our body very well or intuition when we are burnt out. The signals get all mixed up. Connected as in, connected in our relationships to the people that matter to us. We cannot again do that. When we are burnt out, we barely are surviving, let alone thriving in relationships. To be fully confident in yourself means that you believe that you are supported. You are divinely supported. It means that you are prioritizing yourself. It means that you don’t feel like you have to prove yourself and prove your worth through doing so.
The whole premise of this podcast, the confident, connected leader, is to help you move beyond the burnout, move beyond the self-doubt, move beyond sabotage. They’re all connected. They all have their little entanglements together. But going back to the burnout, what you really want to look at is how is the quality of my life right now? Where does it feel? Lock-sided somewhere? Do I feel like I’m always working or I’m always on, or I’m always having to answer things or be there for other people and not prioritizing yourself? Just have the awareness we’re going to be diving way deeper into all the topics, really helping you to understand that moving beyond this is and there’s no blame here right? We don’t want to blame ourselves for, let’s say, having these limiting beliefs that create this feeling of I can’t rest. It has to be hard all the time. I have to continue going, going. We’re in a culture where it’s supported. So there are different layers to moving beyond it, but for now, I invite you just to have the awareness. Is your motivation, or I should say, your inspiration, is it just fizzled out? Are you just chronically tired? Do you have no desire for a sex life, or do you have no desire to see your friends or have a social life? These are all signs that we are living in a state of constant survival and proving and doing, and we’ve become human doings instead of a human being. So we’re going to continue this conversation because it’s so, so, so important.
I want you to look out for the next one. I have not completely decided where we’re going to go. I would like to feel into the questions being asked and the comments being had to really see where I would like to focus in the next one. It’s going to be good. It’s going to be something to do, diving deeper into sabotage, self-doubt or burnout. So if one of these catches your eye and you’re like, yes, lisa, I want you to go deeper into this, please leave me a comment, please leave me a review, send me a DM, send me an email, because my goal is to make content specifically for you that’s going to help you, and the more feedback I get, the more I can really connect into what you need. Thank you, as always, for being here with me. I’m so honored if you’re still here, you’re still listening, and let’s stay connected.
Speaker 2Host15:54
Thank you for tuning into the Confident, Connected Leader podcast. Lisa Jeffs is committed to helping you break through barriers and climb to new professional heights. If today’s episode inspired you, we’d be honored if you could subscribe, rate and leave a review To stay updated with practical tips and insights, follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook. You’ll find all relevant links, including those for our complimentary gifts and trainings, in the show notes. Until our next episode, embrace your confidence and stay connected.